2nd Battalion, 9th Marines Network

Information and Current Affairs Page

This page has been created to provide information and current items of interest.  This has been done to provide our members with the most recent news occurring during the intervals between issuance of new Battalion Runner Newsletters.  Entries here will be listed by date, with the most recent items being listed first.  Older items will be removed upon issuance of the next Battalion Runner.  I hope this new page will serve to improve the service the Network provides to our members.  As always, anyone can email me at twoninencoic@aol.com with questions, concerns, information, etc. at any time.

Semper Fi

Danny Schuster - Network Administrator

I received the following email from Dean Losee on January 20th asking for anyone to help provide information about his high school friend as he approaches a return to Vietnam.  John Leo Tracy, Golf, KIA 30 August 1968 in Quang Tri.



I’m looking for information on Pfc Tracy, Kia, near Quang Tri. He was a high school friend.  I was  there in May of 1972 with Sub Unit One, 1st ANGLICO!
I am planning a trip back, to go to the location where he was hit, and would like any information I can get about his death and location!
Thank you
Dean Losee Cpl USMC 
Dean's email address is dcblose@yahoo.com